He reeked of cigarettes, his blood type was Jack Daniels and he was utterly consumed with tracking down some pussy - yet "Jack Danielson" was by far the best manager we ever had at the restaurant! I always thought he looked like a boozed up Dick Van Dyke,

but some drunk cougar once said he looked like George Clooney and he ran with that for a good 3 years! (A case of serious beer goggles!!! )
Although he was tasked with so many other responsibilities other than managing the restaurant, like total building maintenance, (Can you say on call 24/7 handyman?) he never allowed it to get in the way of his main priority in life: The Hunt For Poon!
"Jack Danielson" always got the job done - whether it was closing the deal with the ladies or running the show at the restaurant! Even though his stories about following Phish made you want to slit your own throat and he had a peace sign tramp stamp tattoo(!!!!!!!), you just couldn't help but like the guy. So, raise a shot of Jack for "Jack Danielson"!
rod, pabs
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