The old G.M., "Brown Noseberg", was not just the world's biggest kiss-ass. He was also the world's biggest drama queen!! In one of my blow-outs with him I told him how he had an uncanny ability to turn every mole hill into a mountain! He would just over react to everything like a little bitch! Like the time he got locked in the beer walk-in cooler:
The little shit was probably in there for no longer than 15 minutes but to hear him tell it you'd think he was stranded in there for the entire weekend! (If only!!!)
One night, Pablo and Jeff witnessed this hyper chihuahua of a man freak out over the painters that were working at the store next door. He took it upon himself as his personal crusade to over see and inspect their entire operation that night:

And let's just end this post on a different note:
rod, pabs, jeff
Getting a little hurtful in old age are we. Drawings are funny, comments are just mean.