there are always so many people coming through the doors of the restaurant. no matter how "normal" or mild manner they may appear at first, most people will reveal quirks, bad behavior and hidden strangeness by the time their visit is over. and as much as i like picking apart and analyzing the so called "norms" to find the sickness beneath, ya just gotta love a straight-up, unapologetic train wreck!!! enter: Carlotta! now i haven't seen this hot mess in quite a while but she made a quick appearance last night to my delight! i rummaged through the satchels to find a couple portraits of this delicate new england debutant. over the course of her visits through the years i have never actually spoken to her - not one single word. however, i have seen both breasts and full frontal vag! and that was just by being at the bar the same time she was. she's never been in with the same guy twice. and on at least two occasions she has made out with and been felt up by two separate guys at the bar within a couple of bar stools of each other! she is classic! anyone who knows me can attest to how much i loves me a good train wreck, and this little Gucci enrobed yeast infection never disappoints!

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